From mobile data to smart life

Sentiance unlocks the unique power of sensor data from smart devices and wearables. Sentiance offers real-time Ambient Intelligence automated through a proprietary sensor fusion platform to enterprises, DMPs, SMEs and…

We take it personally

Mercier-Vanderlinden Asset Management asked us to refresh their brand, to bring it in accordance with their renewed vigour. To us, the personal character of their approach demanded a brand identity…

Close to you

Development of an identity system that can strongly support the evolution Planet Parfum wishes to pursue, namely moving from the strict ‘perfume’ to the broader ‘beauty’ segment. The new tagline…

Design to operate

Boeckx and De Vloed, both specialising in educational and health care construction, are combining their strengths and talents under the name DETOO Architects. A new, ambitious entity that is ready…

So much city

Ghent, one of Europe’s most fascinating cities to visit, asked us to develop a dynamic, flexible brand identity and a communication idea that would bring the core message of «…

Creating land for the future

DEME, a Belgian world leader in dredging and land reclamation, needed more cohesion between the separate companies of the group: alignment in messaging and clear brand architecture. The unifying theme…

We helped them to lead the way

Developing a global proposition and brand language to help Mio, pioneer in navigation devices, be appreciated as a possible category leader; and to integrate the acquired Navman brand into the…

Expertise Included

In Belgium, the group (temp agencies/selection and recruitment) wanted to unite its different brands (Impact Interim, Maintec, Top Interim) under one single umbrella and to underline its position as the…

Interbrew and Ambev

The coming together of Interbrew and Ambev in 2004-2005, to form the world’s most important brewer, underlined the need for an extensive communication platform and elaborate corporate identity, with communication…

Building a brand they could only dream of

Building a house (a home) is one of the most important decisions people make in their lifetime. As a consequence, people are always searching for a partner they can trust…

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