Tribute to the haberdashery heritage

Do it yourself? Do it properly. First we designed the logo on screen, and then we had a stamp of it custom-made for an actual print, adding that genuine DIY-touch….

Adding even more flavour and fun

With its delicious juices, carefully blending domestic and exotic fruits, Looza has built an impressive heritage, which they deeply cherish. Naturally, they equally care for their future. That’s where we…

New identity, same familiar faces

Interfrost is the largest purchasing organisation active in the Belgian Luxembourg professional food service industry. Their product range comprises both food and non-food products from numerous domestic and foreign producers….

Join our BRU crew

Brussels Airport launched a new initiative. Some 100 passengers took a critical look at their journey from their front door to their gate. This initiative is part of a plan…

Building a brand, one step after another

Patrick Van Rosendaal washed ashore in New York and started his tour guide business with literally nothing. Together, we are building a brand, one step after another. He wrote an…

Off to a flying start

Deloitte has been with us since day 1 and still we don’t completely understand what it is they do (stuck-out-tongue-winking-eye emoticon). Nonetheless, we have developed numerous employer-branding campaigns to recruit…

All your professional accounts on 1 screen

As a pioneer in online multi-banking services, the company went trough big changes the past 20 years. To diversify its product offering and to commercialise even further we used the…

Welcome to the neighbourhood

Uniting all their branded firms into one major brand – Matexi – lead to the creation of one strong and consistent brand universe based on a very strong positioning and…

Inspiring life

Emaar is Dubai’s leading real estate project developer. Duval Branding was asked to create the visual identity and brand universe for The Opera District, a completely new area located in…

There’s no age limit on happiness

Armonea is the leading independent elderly care service provider in Belgium. Spread across some 60 nursing homes, service flats and service residences throughout Belgium, its 3,600 elderly care staff create…

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