Move beyond
The times they are a-changin’. Initially, anticipating digital disruptions seemed sufficient for organizations to grow. Today, however, the world is also evolving on other levels. Companies need to look at their purpose and business strategy through a broader lens. They have to take into consideration the impact of societal changes in housing, mobility, sustainability, and healthcare. But how do they keep up with the future? Fortunately, Duval Union Consulting guides companies in adopting that holistic, cross-sectoral approach and helps them to rethink their existing business models. Of course, a shift in the style of consulting goes along with a suitable new name: Scopernia was born.
Not at all. The name ‘Scopernia’ is surely not the result of some scribbling on paper. ‘Scopernia’ has a well-thought-out underlying meaning. It stands for ‘Scope’, ‘Copernican Revolution’ and ‘purpose’ (nia in Arabic). With their excelling expertise and broad network, the CEOs Dado Van Peteghem and Jo Caudron help organisations to rescope their purpose in the current turbulent time. But what does Nicolaus Copernicus have to do with that? Just as he turned the world upside down by proclaiming the Sun to be the center of the universe, Scopernia counters mainstream business-thinking and conducts a Copernican Revolution in your company.
Even the logo itself is based on Copernicus’ astronomical model. Notice the rounded letterform? The circular letters create a professional, yet playful look and feel.
Why use words when colours say it all? Grounded-green, promiseful-pink, brilliant-blue and optimistic-orange. Those four personality-radiating colours encircle the company’s two-sidedness: the elite, authoritative and rebellious consulting world, as well as Scopernia’s playful, young and innovative approach. Besides, the vibrant shades put the brand on the map.
Jo Caudron and Dado Van Peteghem are business thinkers who do not only move beyond the status quo, they move beyond many more things: the odds, the headlines, opinions, doubts, politics, digital innovations; the list is endless. To reinforce their way of working, we came up with a tagline that says it all: move beyond. Move beyond your own industry, change your course and stay relevant in tomorrow’s society.
At Duval Branding, we have also moved beyond the new name, the graphic elements and the colours. We have translated Scopernia’s new identity and new style into a professional website design. On top of that, we have provided them with many applications: business cards, a letterhead, an email signature, an announcement letter, a Facebook page, flags, posters, Keynote slides, event badges and even a tour t-shirt. Curious to see what those look like? Discover them below.
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